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Colex International Ltd has been acquired by Copely Developments Ltd.

Copely are able to manufacture the same great range of products offered by Colex

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Valley Way

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Market Harborough

LE16 7PS

01858 461 100

PTFE Temperature vs Pressure Graph

Technical information for use as a guide only. Pressure values given are based on the short term burst pressure at 20°C . Any increase in temperature above 20°C will result in a decline in working pressure values.

Colex International Ltd. Quality British Manufacturing Since 1992

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the above information is accurate and correct, the conditions under which Colex products are used are beyond our control and therefore recommendations are made without warranty or guarantee. Colex reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. © 1999-2009 Colex International Limited, UK. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Please forward any questions or comments about this web site to our webmaster.